“What you think, you become,
What you feel, you attract,
What you imagine, you create.”
- Buddha
Hey there, I’m Sheryl.
I believe that life is too precious to waste time and energy simply ‘existing’. I believe our life’s purpose is to live a fulfilling, satisfying life - whatever that may be to each one of us. And I believe it’s never too late to start ‘living’!
My mission is to reach out to people who share these feelings, even if they don’t currently live by those feelings, and inspire them to live every day aligned to their true selves.
To go after what you want in life - living aligned to what you really value in life.
To be bold - to step outside your comfort zone.
To grow- to learn about yourself, and the people and world around you, so you can live more harmoniously.
To become aware of and notice the many elements to enjoy in life.
To embrace the now, as well as look forward to the future.
To show up as the ‘real you’ and love who you are.
To feel genuinely connected with like-minded souls.
To experience joy, and create joy for others.
To live, and feel alive!
ICF Accredited Coach - ACC Level
ICF Level 2 Certified Coach
Qualified Professional Home Organiser
CIMA qualified Accountant
My Journey
Throughout my life I have made some big changes, without the comfort of completely knowing how the future was going to pan out. In honesty, I switched between head and heart decisions throughout the majority of my life, full of courage, often leaping into the unknown, but full of uncertainty, a lot of stress and internal torment in the lead up to those decisions to make a change. I had the boldness to make a big change, but beneath the surface there was uncertainty.
Over time I have gained clarity and confidence in my life plan, through trial and error, and investing a lot of time in personal development and self-awareness.
Since training as a professional Coach, I see that I could have gained that clarity and confidence much sooner in life if only I had the appropriate support at those key decision points. I’m certain it would have saved me a lot of time, money, and stress, as well as contributing to my mental health, physical health, and relationships with everyone.
This is what drives my work as a Coach.
My aim is simple - to help others gain the clarity and confidence sooner than figuring it out alone, so they can move forwards with their lives with excitement for their future plans, and enjoyment of the journey, that comes from self-awareness, including knowing what truly matters in life to you.
A host of experience - helps me to understand others situations
The major benefit of having such a variety of experiences is it enables me to have an understanding of an array of life situations as well as working in different industries and professions.
I’ve worked in Banking (specifically Commercial Importing of Goods), Accountancy Practice, an array of Industries covering start-ups through to FTSE 100 companies, including Finance roles, Project roles, Management, and Directorship. I’ve been with companies through rapid growth, restructuring, mass system changes, leadership changes, handling serious HR issues. As well customer facing roles in Travel and Hospitality, for example as Cabin Crew for Japan Airlines. And as a solo entrepreneur, building a business from scratch in the Beauty sector, which I ran for almost eight years.
The thread running through this variety of work experience, has been my drive to be of service and my desire to improve things.
During my time in my Beauty Business I had the opportunity to get to know my clients very well - they often confided in me regarding their personal and work lives. They gave me some insight into what they were experiencing, for example, career change, getting married, starting a family, miscarriage, behavioural issues in children, fertility treatment, cancer treatment, various health conditions, family breakdowns, suicide, divorce, emigration, losing loved ones, domestic abuse, weight-loss journeys, training for sports challenges, body dysmorphia, and more. I really enjoyed being a support to my clients and (where invited) helping them overcome problems and challenges, as well make positive changes. And so it became clear over time, and with the encouragement from a number of my Beauty clients, that my calling was to coach.
On the personal front, I’ve spent the majority of my adult life going through medical investigations and/or treatment, and continue to live with a number of chronic health conditions, yet this hasn’t deterred me from striving to move forwards in life. I have experienced the highs and lows of getting on the property ladder at a young age, relocated around the UK, been through separation, created a new home and life independently, studied whilst working full-time, overcome breakdowns in relationships with my family, attended to a life-threatening medical emergency at work, to list just some of the experiences that helps me to understand the life challenges that my Coaching clients may be experiencing.
I'll let you into a secret - I really don’t like the term ‘Life Coach’
Initially I dismissed the idea of becoming a Professional Coach as I mis-understood what a Life Coach was. If I’m honest I thought it sounded a bit ‘know-it-all’. But having researched about what Coaching really is, and understanding that it is not about telling people what to do, and rather it is working with them to help them find the answers themselves, whilst building new neural pathways that lead to positive changes, I realised this is exactly what I love to do. I love to build positivity within others so that they feel empowered to take action and do what they want to do. And ultimately be happy and feel good.
As a Coach I bring together all my experiences, my compassion and understanding, my future-focus and strategic approach, my desire to improve and transform things, my professional Coach training, as well as a natural coaching ability (as highlighted by other professionals in the field).
I love helping individuals to live the lives they want to live. And helping businesses to get the best from their most valuable asset - their people.
What my Clients are Saying
My Coaching Approach
My motivation to support others through coaching is founded on my key values:
Quality of Life
Human Connection
Learning & Growth
Future Focus
Flexibility & Control
These values are the driving force behind my desire to help others shape their lives to fulfil their own needs, values and desires.
The client experience is just as important to me as the coaching outcome. From the first contact and initial consultation through to the final session, my aim is to deliver a client-centred service that enables them to enjoy the whole process.
My style is empathetic, positive, and future-focused. My coaching practice is informed by Positive Psychology and Neuroscience.
I use Visualisation to promote positivity and self-belief, as it enables the client to step into their goal outcome and what that feels like, as if it was the present rather than the distant future.
Whilst coaching, I notice the words and phrases clients choose to use and explore with the client the underlying thoughts and feelings in those words. I observe and reflect energy shifts in clients, inviting reflection.
Reflecting the words and the energy shifts can be very thought provoking for clients and can subsequently lead to great Insights.
I harness the power of high-quality listening, and I understand the effectiveness of the ‘thinking environment’ as set out by Nancy Kline in ‘Time to Think’. I recognise that being truly listened to can be alien to people, and unnerving for some at first. I prepare new clients for this potentially new listening experience, in the consultation call, and within my new client information pack.
Listening is a skill that everybody has to some degree. But the art listening with full attention, without thinking from a place of your own person, and instead really hearing the person’s thoughts, holding their words and meanings, free from the distraction of your own interpretations, is another level of listening, with great benefits.
High-quality listening enables the client to hear themselves through the Coach like looking in the mirror.
The client can achieve complete focus. Leading to thought processing and problem solving at their optimum level.
This is the magic of great coaching. This is what delivers results!
Connect with me
Something as small as 30 minutes of your time, could be the start of something big for you. Reach out today, and let’s talk.